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Dynamic Read This list

I recently stumbled upon a news website with a catchy reading list, and I knew on the spot I needed to get down to work to replicate that effect. You can find a live example of the original concept at the URL below: In case the URL is no longer valid as you're reading this, here is a screenshot of it.  Basically, there are 5 articles per page. As you scroll the page, the reading list updates so that you can see the progress of your reading and how much is left. Note that the whole pagelet (the "Read THIS.list" box) has a fixed position and thus moves with the scrolling of the page.   What do we need? As usual, I recommend using jQuery (I've become addicted to it!) as it on the one hand highly simplifies development in JS, and on the second hand it will guarantee we can retrieve consistent height/offset values for all browsers at o...
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Date format matching regex

Regex is a must-learn for any programmer, plus it is always interesting to see how an apparently complex check can be done with a basic rule (...or how a simple check sometimes requires a long and obscure rule, but that's the whole fun of it :P). Here's a short and useful regex to match a date field (for instance when submitting a form). // expected field value format: YYYY-MM-DD var e = document.getElementById("myDateField").value; var m = e.match(/(20\d\d|19\d\d)\-(0\d|1[012])\-([012]\d|3[01])/); Breaking it down: / (20\d\d|19\d\d) \- (0\d|1[012]) \- ([012]\d|3[01]) / 1. Year (20\d\d|19\d\d) Trying to match either "20" followed by 2 digits (2000, 2001,2002,...2099) or "19" and then 2 digits (1900...1999). Would not match: 20a0, 201, 20AA 2. Month (0\d|1[012]) Trying to match either "0" followed by one digit (01...09) or "1" followed by 0, 1 or 2 (hence only 10,11 or 12). We assume here that the month must ...

Snake game (pure JS)

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HTML tables and auto-sizing cell heights : a workaround

Although this was common practice in the early days of the Web, working with HTML tables when it comes to building a webpage layout should be avoided as much as possible nowadays. CSS offers all the tools that are needed to create perfectly dynamic and flexible layouts, so you really should only rely on HTML tables to present actual data. This being said, it happens that you don't have the choice, and that this just what I've learned recently in my work. In the context of a client project, the framework I've had to use (Peoplesoft, an HRIS system) indeed generates HTML pages presenting a structure quite "2000"-ish, consisting in a complex nesting of HTML tables. Moreover, each time you add a component on the page (via the system itself, not when hardcoding it), a system TABLE is create to wrap the object. This can cause obviously a lot of problems, but in this case, my problem was quite specific. A few pages of the system use a well-defined table layout :...

A binary clock in Javascript

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Hiding one picture into another using HTML5 canvas

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Lightbox effect with jQuery (3) - ready-to-use library

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