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Affichage des articles du mai, 2013

A binary clock in Javascript

Just a short post to share a tiny project I recently worked on: a binary clock. The script is written in pure Javascript (no jQuery for a change), and the design of the buttons was rapidly made in Photoshop, so nothing fancy...but I really wanted to create this :-) As usual, the code is not obfuscated so you can have a look and feel free to copy/edit.

Hiding one picture into another using HTML5 canvas

Back in the years when I was still coding in QBASIC (pretty nice language to start programmation), I took an interest in steganography (see Wikipedia for more information on the subject) and quickly came across an article describing a technique to hide a picture into another one .   The aim of this post is to share this technique and rapidly shows how it can be implemented in HTML5 using canvas elements. The original piece of software I built with QBASIC, I  called it "Blackshell", did work neatly, but was very slow (about 1 min of processing to hide a 100*100 picture). As I've been looking for a project to get myself started with the use of canvases with HTML5 for a few months, I thought I might just try to port that tool in HTML/JS. You can find a first draft here: EDIT: it seems that the script does not run properly on my website any longer (beats me why...). If you encounter trouble too (i.e. the colors are all weird...