Building a mini snake game in JS is one of these things every webcoder should be able to do. Since I hadn't tackled that "challenge" yet (and mostly because I was bored like hell and wanted to code something without using jQuery for a change), I decided to give it a shot. This is very basic, but it taught me a two interesting things I was unaware of: it seems that a DIV cannot natively receives the focus, but a simple workaround to cope with this is to give the DIV a tabIndex value if you duplicate an array (Array.splice(0)), references are maintained (so as far as I understand, if you modify the original array, the copy will be modified in sync...sounds pretty weird, but I must admit that there was something fishy with the values returned during my initial attempts to clone an array) Anyway, you can find the result of that one-hour experiment at the following URL: Note: Left/Right arrows to turn. ...
...web scripts, JS/jQuery and coding tricks.