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Affichage des articles du mars, 2013

Lightbox effect with jQuery (3) - ready-to-use library

I've been pretty busy with work over the past days, but I managed to finalize my lightbox javascript library still. Although I can't confirm it is 100% cross-browser, it seems to be running well under IE8/9, Firefox and Chrome. I reckon it should work as well on Safari, but you never know. The actual library and a sample HTML file can be found here: How to use ? First, include jQuery and, needless to say, the library. Second, call the function init from dlb , once the DOM has been fully created and the page is ready. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./delightbox-latest.js"></script>         <script>         jQuery(document).ready(function(){             dl...

Lightbox effect with jQuery (2) - example

Down below is a fully working example of the lightbox (aka thickbox) effect described in the previous article. Note that the technique has even been improved, since the script now prevents by itself a link from being opened. As a result, you do not need to place the target URL as a custom attribute anymore. Just append a class to an anchor and the script is ready to be use d !   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">     <head>         <title></title>              <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>         <script>         jQuery(document).ready(function(){   ...

Lightbox effect with jQuery

Over the past few weeks, I have been in the process of finding the perfect way to create a lightbox effect of my own (both for professional and personal projects).  You can obviously rely on a existing library (such as Litebox), but if you want to have a full control over the lightbox, you might want to create it from scratch. This being said, we will not reinvent the wheel and we will get some help from jQuery to ease the manipulation. First things first, for those who do not know...what is a lightbox? Here is what Wikipedia tells about it: "Lightbox is a JavaScript technique used to display images and other web content using modal dialogs" A lightbox effect is often used to enhance image galleries. Basically, suppose you display a series of thumbnails on your page. If the user wants to see the full-size picture, he has to click on the thumbnail, which will then open the image in a new tab or in a new window. This is quite unpractical, since it breaks the flow o...

jQuarax - a parallax plugin

This plugin is still in the making and complete documentation (as well as a downloadable package) will be available later. Sample code and quick variable explanation further below. jQuarax-latest.js:  var jquarax = {   load: loader }; function loader(){   jQuery(document).ready(function(){     // parallax script     $(".jquarax-div-container").scroll(function(){       scrollPos = parseInt($(".jquarax-div-container").scrollTop());       scrollPosPC = (100/parseInt($(".jquarax-div-container").css("height")))*(parseInt($(".jquarax-div-container").scrollTop()));       $(".jquarax-object").each(function(e){         var unit = $(this).attr("frmode");          if(unit=="%"){scrollPos=scrollPosPC;}         var startIt = parseInt($(this).attr("frstart"));  ...

Reordering Javascript functions

If you have already injected some Javascript dynamically in a page (possibly because you cannot modify the original scripts directly), you may have realised the order in which Javascript functions are triggered is dependent on the order of declaration. Hence, if you try and bind a new "onclick" handler on a button for which another function has already been bound, the latter will be executed before yours. Here is a simple trick to reorder the order of execution.  Say your original code looks like so: <script> function showAlert(message){      alert(message); } </script> [...] <input type=text id="myButton" onClick="showAlert(this.value);" /> You can 't modify the HTML part and yet y ou want to execute a new function of your own before the alert message of showAlert is sent, for instance the following one: function changeMessage(newMessage){       document.getElementById("myButton").value=newMessage; ...