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Lightbox effect with jQuery (2) - example

Down below is a fully working example of the lightbox (aka thickbox) effect described in the previous article. Note that the technique has even been improved, since the script now prevents by itself a link from being opened. As a result, you do not need to place the target URL as a custom attribute anymore. Just append a class to an anchor and the script is ready to be used!

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            // this below prevents the link from being followed
            var sH=$(document).height(), sW=$(document).width(), scPos=$(document).scrollTop();
            var tgtURL=$(this).attr("href");
            $("body").append("<div id=mylightbox style='position:absolute; z-index:1000; top:0px; left:0px; opacity:0.75; filter:opacity(alpha=0,75); width:"+(sW+20)+"px; height:"+sH+"px; background:#aaa;'></div>");
            $("body").append("<div id=full-image-bg style='z-index:1001; width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; left:0px; top:"+scPos+"px;'><img id=full-image-img src='"+tgtURL+"' style='position:absolute; width:auto; height:auto; cursor:pointer;'/></div>");
            var picW=$("#full-image-img").width(), picH=$("#full-image-img").height(), lbW=$("#full-image-bg").width(), lbH=$("#full-image-bg").height();
            var cX=(lbW/2)-(picW/2), cY=(lbH/2)-(picH/2);

            if($("body").height() > $(window).height()){

    <a href="" class="isLink">Click me!</a>

    <!-- class="isLink" is the only thing needed to tell the browser you want to display the target image in a lightbox -->


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